
detsember 2017

18detsalldayalldayIGF workshop (WS37): Tackling gender divides: ICT and women’s economic empowermentGeneva, Switzerland, • English


This workshop will explore the complex relationship between ICT and women’s economic empowerment and evaluate the contingent probing factors which are posing challenges to women being truly empowered by ICT.

The goal is to illustrate how different stakeholders contribute to supporting women’s economic empowerment through ICT and survey opportunities and address challenges faced in developed and developing countries.

This workshop is co-organised by ICC BASIS, the Self Employed Women’s Association and the African Union, NEPAD

Who should attend?

This workshop is open to all registered IGF 2017 attendees.



Terve päev (Esmaspäev)

Täiendav info ja registreerimine

Rahvusvaheline Kaubanduskoda - ICC EestiE-mail: icc@icc-estonia.ee; Tel: +372 684 1070 A.H. Tammsaare tee 47